To avoid the reverse engineering of script applications, a lot of developers encode their code with tools like ionCube PHP Encoder in order to make it human unreadable. This is valid for paid applications in particular, since anybody could possibly use and change the unprotected code without paying the necessary license fees. If you purchase web software encoded with ionCube PHP Encoder, you can use it without a problem as long as an instrument named ionCube Loader is installed on the web hosting server. This loader allows you to run encoded files and you'll often notice it on the list of prerequisites for a particular script app to be set up. Due to the fact that the encoded files are already precompiled, they're ordinarily executed a lot faster and this can raise the overall speed of your site.

IonCube in Web Hosting

If you get a Linux web hosting package through us, it'll be set up on our custom-made cloud hosting platform where ionCube Loader is already installed, so you won't have any kind of problems to run any script app which needs the instrument in order to function properly. We also provide a few different versions of PHP, therefore in case you switch the version, you will need to activate ionCube once again. Our system remembers the changes you make, which means that if you go back to the previous release of PHP that was active for your account, ionCube Loader will already be turned on. Both the PHP version and the ionCube instrument can be operated from the PHP Configuration area of our Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Each adjustment that you do takes literally just a mouse-click and it'll take effect right away.